
Draw Information

(Wk8) Win £100 Tax Free CASH! (Odds: 1:200)





A fortunate winner will receive £100 in tax-free cash!

Winnings will be promptly transferred to the winner’s bank account for immediate access.


Win £100 Cash


The winner will be notified via email, at which point we will require the necessary information to process the bank transfer.
Specifically, we ask that you provide the FULL NAME associated with the account, as well as the Account Number and Sort Code.

Date Name Ticket Number
17/02/2025 2:32pm Pete Richardson 1
17/02/2025 8:41pm Travis Taylor 2
17/02/2025 8:49pm Sarah Dimble 5
17/02/2025 8:41pm Travis Taylor 8
17/02/2025 8:49pm Sarah Dimble 9
17/02/2025 5:40pm Paul Craven 10
16/02/2025 8:42pm Mick L 14
17/02/2025 8:41pm Travis Taylor 15
17/02/2025 8:49pm Sarah Dimble 19
16/02/2025 8:42pm Mick L 23
17/02/2025 8:41pm Travis Taylor 27
15/02/2025 8:44pm Leigh Poole 32
17/02/2025 8:49pm Sarah Dimble 33
17/02/2025 8:32pm Chad King 34
17/02/2025 8:49pm Sarah Dimble 37
17/02/2025 5:40pm Paul Craven 40
17/02/2025 5:32pm Tim Farnham 41
17/02/2025 8:36pm Samara Poole 42
17/02/2025 8:49pm Sarah Dimble 43
17/02/2025 8:41pm Travis Taylor 47
17/02/2025 8:49pm Sarah Dimble 48
17/02/2025 4:33pm Tania Gadd 54
17/02/2025 8:36pm Samara Poole 55
17/02/2025 4:33pm Tania Gadd 57
10/02/2025 6:41pm Wayne Grant 58
17/02/2025 2:32pm Pete Richardson 59
17/02/2025 5:32pm Tim Farnham 60
17/02/2025 5:32pm Tim Farnham 61
17/02/2025 5:32pm Tim Farnham 64
17/02/2025 5:32pm Tim Farnham 66
17/02/2025 8:55pm Helen Fox 69
17/02/2025 8:49pm Sarah Dimble 72
17/02/2025 2:29pm Bernice Harding 77
17/02/2025 5:32pm Tim Farnham 78
17/02/2025 8:41pm Travis Taylor 79
17/02/2025 12:54pm Kimberley Bullock 80
17/02/2025 5:00pm Kim Bailey 81
17/02/2025 5:32pm Tim Farnham 83
17/02/2025 8:55pm Helen Fox 85
17/02/2025 10:54am Carla Goodland 89
16/02/2025 8:42pm Mick L 93
17/02/2025 2:29pm Bernice Harding 94
17/02/2025 5:00pm Kim Bailey 95
17/02/2025 5:40pm Paul Craven 98
17/02/2025 8:36pm Jessica Boston 104
17/02/2025 5:00pm Kim Bailey 106
17/02/2025 5:40pm Paul Craven 108
17/02/2025 4:33pm Tania Gadd 109
17/02/2025 7:25pm Tania Gadd 111
17/02/2025 4:33pm Tania Gadd 112
17/02/2025 7:25pm Tania Gadd 113
17/02/2025 8:41pm Travis Taylor 114
17/02/2025 8:41pm Travis Taylor 120
17/02/2025 5:32pm Tim Farnham 121
17/02/2025 8:32pm Chad King 123
17/02/2025 5:32pm Tim Farnham 126
17/02/2025 8:41pm Travis Taylor 127
17/02/2025 8:55pm Helen Fox 130
15/02/2025 8:44pm Leigh Poole 132
17/02/2025 2:32pm Pete Richardson 134
17/02/2025 8:49pm Sarah Dimble 135
17/02/2025 7:25pm Tania Gadd 136
17/02/2025 8:36pm Jessica Boston 137
16/02/2025 8:42pm Mick L 138
15/02/2025 8:44pm Leigh Poole 139
17/02/2025 8:36pm Jessica Boston 140
17/02/2025 8:32pm Chad King 142
17/02/2025 8:32pm Chad King 143
17/02/2025 2:32pm Pete Richardson 144
17/02/2025 8:55pm Helen Fox 145
17/02/2025 8:41pm Travis Taylor 148
17/02/2025 12:54pm Kimberley Bullock 152
17/02/2025 12:54pm Kimberley Bullock 154
10/02/2025 6:41pm Wayne Grant 155
17/02/2025 4:33pm Tania Gadd 156
17/02/2025 5:32pm Tim Farnham 158
16/02/2025 8:42pm Mick L 160
17/02/2025 5:00pm Kim Bailey 162
17/02/2025 8:36pm Jessica Boston 165
16/02/2025 8:42pm Mick L 168
16/02/2025 8:42pm Mick L 169
16/02/2025 8:42pm Mick L 171
17/02/2025 12:54pm Kimberley Bullock 173
16/02/2025 8:42pm Mick L 180
17/02/2025 8:49pm Sarah Dimble 181
16/02/2025 8:42pm Mick L 182
17/02/2025 8:32pm Chad King 184
17/02/2025 10:54am Carla Goodland 189
17/02/2025 2:32pm Pete Richardson 191
17/02/2025 8:36pm Jessica Boston 195